Maryanne Moss testimonial for Mana Whey Protein supplement by Goodman Fielder International (Fiji)

Mana Whey Protein | Maryanne Moss

VIDEO PRODUCTION Mana Whey Protein STORY Client: Goodman Fielder International (Fiji) Maryanne Moss is Fijian body builder and competitive outrigger canoe paddler. She  is well-known in Fiji and the pacific for her involvement with outrigger canoeing. She gives her testimonial on why Mana - Fiji's very locally manufactured whey protein supplement is great for her...
Talanoa Treks Fiji, Moko Fiji

Talanoa Treks

VIDEO PRODUCTION Talanoa Treks STORY Client: Talanoa Treks Fiji We were engaged by Talanoa Treks Fiji to edit short videos about the experiences to be expected on a trip with them. Footage kindly was supplied by Helocina. DATE Thursday, June 9, 2016 CAST/CREW
Acmopyle Propagation

Acmopyle Propagation

FILM PRODUCTION Acmopyle Propagation STORY Client: NatureFiji-MareqetiViti Acmopyle Propagation carried out by NatureFiji-MareqetiViti, Atlanta Botanical Gardens, South Pacific Regional Herbarium and The Department of Forests Fiji. DATE Thursday, June 9, 2016 CAST/CREW DIRECTOR Noa Moko


FILM PRODUCTION ShareSoft STORY Client: South Pacific Stock Exchange Introducing ShareSoft, developed to manage all securities, investors and shares traded on the South Pacific Stock Exchange. With ShareSoft, you are no longer constrained by time or location as you can access the system from anywhere in the world, at any time of the day. ShareSoft...
Fiji Business Forum 2013

Fiji Business Forum 2013

VIDEO PRODUCTION Fiji Business Forum 2013 STORY Client: Suva Chamber of Commerce Introductory Video for the Fiji Business Forum 2013 DATE October 2, 2014 CAST/CREW DIRECTOR Noa Moko
Giggles Diaper Television Commercial

Giggles Diaper

TELEVISION COMMERCIAL Giggles Diaper STORY Client: SCA Hygiene Australasia This is our very first TV spot we shot for SCA Hygiene Australasia. Working with kids is tricky and needs a lot of patience. We worked hard at this and this is the final result. DATE October 2015 CAST/CREW DIRECTOR Noa Moko